Browsing by Author Chust, Guillem

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess
27-Jun-2016Dispersal similarly shapes both population genetics and community patterns in the marine realmChust, Guillem; Villarino, Ernesto; Chenuil, Anne; Irigoien, Xabier; Bizsel, Nihayet; Bode, Antonio; Broms, Cecilie; Claus, Simon; Fernández de Puelles, María L; Fonda-Umani, Serena; Hoarau, Galice; Mazzocchi, Maria G; Mozetič, Patricija; Vandepitte, Leen; Veríssimo, Helena ; Zervoudaki, Soultana; Borja, Angel articleopenAccess
2016Uses of Innovative Modeling Tools within the Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework DirectiveLynam, Christopher P.; Uusitalo, Laura ; Patrício, Joana ; Piroddi, Chiara; Queirós, Ana M.; Teixeira, Heliana ; Rossberg, Axel G.; Sagarminaga, Yolanda; Hyder, Kieran; Niquil, Nathalie ; Möllmann, Christian; Wilson, Christian; Chust, Guillem; Galparsoro, Ibon; Forster, Rodney; Veríssimo, Helena ; Tedesco, Letizia; Revilla, Marta; Neville, SuzannaarticleopenAccess