Almeida, J.-P. de
Almeida, J.-P. de
UC Researcher
Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access | |
1 | 28-Jan-2014 | 3D City Models and urban information: Current issues and perspectives | Billen, R. ; Cutting-Decelle A.-F. ; Marina, O. ; Almeida J.-P. de ; Caglioni, M. ; Falquet, G. ; Leduc, T. ; Métral C. ; Moreau, G. ; Perret, J. ; Rabino, G. ; San José, R. ; Yatskiv, I. ; Zlatanova, S. | book | openAccess |
2 | Mar-2015 | Atas das I Jornadas Lusófonas de Ciências e Tecnologias de Informação Geográfica | Santos, José Gomes dos ; Fonte, Cidália ; Figueiredo, Rui Ferreira de ; Cardoso, Alberto ; Gonçalves, Gil ; Almeida, J.-P. de ; Baptista, Sara | book | openAccess |
3 | Apr-2010 | A containment-first search algorithm for higher-order analysis of urban topology | Almeida, J.-P. de ; Morley, J. ; Dowman, I. | conferenceObject | openAccess |
4 | Nov-2014 | Exploring CityEngine as a visualisation tool for 3D cadastre | Ribeiro, A. ; Almeida, J.-P. de ; Ellul, C. | conferenceObject | openAccess |
5 | 2007 | Graph theory in higher order topological analysis of urban scenes | Almeida, J. -P. de ; Morley, J. G. ; Dowman, I. J. | article | openAccess |
6 | 25-Feb-2013 | A graph-based algorithm to define urban topology from unstructured geospatial data | Almeida, J.-P. de ; Morley, J. G. ; Dowman, I. J. | article | openAccess |
7 | Jul-2004 | A Graph-based Approach for Higher Order Gis Topological Analysis | Almeida, J.-P. de ; Morley, J. ; Dowman, I. | conferenceObject | openAccess |
8 | Apr-2005 | A Graph-based Technique for Higher Order Topological Data Structure Visualisation | Almeida, J.-P. de ; Morley, J. G. ; Dowman, I. J. | conferenceObject | openAccess |
9 | May-2016 | How volunteered geographic information can be integrated into emergency management practice? First lessons learned from an urban fire simulation in the city of Coimbra | Albuquerque, João Porto de ; Fonte, C. ; Almeida, J.-P. de ; Cardoso, A. | conferenceObject | openAccess |
10 | Mar-2013 | Interactive multicriteria decision support system for spatial planning analysis | Alçada-Almeida, L. ; Coutinho-Rodrigues, J. ; Almeida, J.-P. de | article | openAccess |
11 | Jun-2011 | Modelling environmental impacts over urban areas and facilities | Almeida, J.-P. de ; Coutinho-Rodrigues, J. | article | openAccess |
12 | May-2017 | A platform to integrate crowdsourced, physical sensor and official geographic information to assist authorities in emergency response | Fontes, D. ; Fonte, C. ; Cardoso, A. ; Almeida, J.-P. de ; Estima, J. | conferenceObject | openAccess |
13 | Nov-2014 | The role of volunteered geographic information towards 3D cadastral systems | Almeida, J.-P. de ; Haklay, M. ; Ellul, C. ; Rodrigues-de-Carvalho, M. M. | conferenceObject | openAccess |
14 | Oct-2016 | The Role of Volunteered Geographic Information towards 3D Property Cadastral Systems (2): A Purpose Driven Web Application | Almeida, J.-P. de ; Ellul, C. ; Romano, R. ; Fonte, C. | conferenceObject | openAccess |
15 | 6-Dec-2013 | Towards a real estate registry 3D Model in Portugal: some illustrative case studies | Almeida, J.-P. de ; Ellul, C. ; Rodrigues-de-Carvalho, M. M. | article | openAccess |